Sunday 15 November 2020


 Has someone ever just done or said something that just cut you so deep?

It is the worrrrrrrrst! Especially when the person that did it is someone that you really really really love. 


Wednesday 21 October 2020

I can't help it

 They say don't do it, but I do...

To be honest, I totally forgot what I was about to write but I guess it happens to the best of us hahhhhhhaaaaaaa...

Anyway, I'm pretty sure it was something about love...

Have you ever just decided to take a break from your partner, just because you thought you were too much for him and you just wanna give him a break, especially since he's starting to act different? But then you hope that he'll say no ¨I don't need a break from you¨ but he does the opposite? Sucks, doesn't it?

Then you start to think that you're overreacting but then you're like ¨if he really cared about me and valued my presence then he wouldn't have agreed to take time apart¨...Meh, schematics.

Sunday 18 October 2020

Unpredictable Moments

 Have you ever just wanted to hear him say ¨ I love you¨ and out of nowhere, he says ¨I really am in love with you¨ and it just makes your whole existence melt away? Haha me too. 

Those Unpredictable Moments are everything!

Saturday 17 October 2020

The Inevitable Breakup

When you see things falling apart, what should you do? I know what I always do that´s probably kinda sorta toxic, I don´t know; I always let it play out, just to see what happens. I don´t know if it´s blind hope or just plain stupidity, but I think, ¨maybe, just maybe, things will work out, it´ll go back to normal soon, yeah, this is just a phase or just a rough patch¨. But, the end always comes and I end up crying, feeling sorry for myself even though I already saw it coming. Pathetic huh?

I start to think that, maybe I am cursed or I´m just not meant to find love, real love, you know, the kind that just makes you feel...happy? 

It´s sad how you can meet someone that just lights up your world, and then, give it a couple months or a year and that light just slowly dims until, there´s, just, darkness. 

I always watch my grandparents and say that, I can´t wait to grow old with someone and be just as happy as they are, but it seems impossible at this point. I tell myself that, there is someone out there for everyone but, is there really?

Wednesday 14 October 2020


Sex? Have you ever just found yourself talking to a random stranger and then boom, ya´ll are in bed together? Yeah me neither lol, I´m just asking for a friend hahaaa! 

But seriously tho, don´t you think sex is a little overrated? I mean yeah it feels good and all but it´s so...blah, for lack of a better word, when there isn´t love attached or any type of f...f...feelings! Yeah people like what they like, but is it really fulfilling? 

At the end of the day, don´t you feel lonely? 

Why not try to find love? Maybe that´s a bit overrated too but it´s pretty amazing when you have someone to talk to when you feel down, someone to act stupid with, someone to wake up next to without having them leave, someone to confide in, someone to tell you they love and miss you and someone to have sex with whenever you feel like it lol! Knowing that you are the only person they are having sex with, if they are loyal that is, but that´s another topic for another time...I see you cheaters, hmmmmh. 

Anyway, this is all just an unpopular opinion, ya´ll should do whatever makes you truly happy!

Thursday 1 September 2016


Have you ever felt that feeling of self hate when you can't do anything to heal someone from some kind of pain whether it be physical or emotional? I have and it sucks, it sucks to see someone you love going through hell and all you can do is comfort them but you can't take the pain away or a bad memory you can't just make it vanish from their mind :-( . I just want to be able to heal someone I love.