Saturday 17 October 2020

The Inevitable Breakup

When you see things falling apart, what should you do? I know what I always do that´s probably kinda sorta toxic, I don´t know; I always let it play out, just to see what happens. I don´t know if it´s blind hope or just plain stupidity, but I think, ¨maybe, just maybe, things will work out, it´ll go back to normal soon, yeah, this is just a phase or just a rough patch¨. But, the end always comes and I end up crying, feeling sorry for myself even though I already saw it coming. Pathetic huh?

I start to think that, maybe I am cursed or I´m just not meant to find love, real love, you know, the kind that just makes you feel...happy? 

It´s sad how you can meet someone that just lights up your world, and then, give it a couple months or a year and that light just slowly dims until, there´s, just, darkness. 

I always watch my grandparents and say that, I can´t wait to grow old with someone and be just as happy as they are, but it seems impossible at this point. I tell myself that, there is someone out there for everyone but, is there really?

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